Sunday, March 31, 2013

LaRouche -liikkeen vanhaa yhteiskunnallispoliittista tutkimusaineistoa valveutumiseksi oligarkiaa ja imperialismia vastaan

Koostan tähän internetistä (Youtubesta) löytämääni LaRouche -liikkeen vanhaa 80- ja 90 -lukujen sekä 2000 -luvun ensimmäisten vuosien videomateriaalia valveutumista varten isoksi tietopaketiksi ja pedagogiseksi runsaudensarveksi! 

-- Alunperin ajattelin sisällyttää tämän hetki sitten julkaisemani LaRouche -aiheisen kirjoitukseni (Lyndon LaRouchen 30 vuotta vanha SDI -ohjelma ja sen geopoliittinen merkitys humaanina edistyksenä edelleen) tämän yhteyteen, mutta päätinkin julkaista sen erillisenä kirjoituksena. --

Tämän kertaisen aiheen mukaan näissä ko. vanhoissa videoissa (Mukana myös uunituoreita seminaari- ja puhe-esityksiä) itse Lyndon LaRouchen sekä ko. liikkeen aktivistien seminaareja, puheita, keskusteluja ja luentoja on otettu talteen vanhoilta VHS -kaseteilta eli kuvan ja äänen laatu on paikoin valitettavasti kehnoa. Tutustuttavaa on joka tapauksessa useiden kymmenien tuntien veroisesti ja niiden parissa voi saada kulumaan aikaa monia viikkojakin. Linkitän jatkossa monissa yhteyksissä tähän materiaalikoosteeseen.

Aikaisemmin olen tuonut näitä ko. liikkeen vanhoja tutkimuksia ja teesejä esille heidän Readings from the American Almanac -sivustonsa puitteissa, mutta vasta tällä viikolla löysin näiksi Youtube -videoiksi ladattuina tämän arkistomateriaalin (Eli itsellänikin niihin kunnolla tutustuminen on vielä osaksi kesken); ne ovat osaksi samoja kuin tuossa em. linkityksessä, mutta ennen näkemättömiä aineistoja on myös paljon. 

Voimme nähdä ko. videoilla puhumassa monia nykyäänkin ko. liikkeessä vaikuttavia hahmoja selvästi nuorempina kuin myös siitä jo poistuneita, joista yksi valovoimaisimmista nykyään on tutkija-historioitsija Webster Tarpley.

Tämä historiallinen LaRouche -materiaali on ensiarvoisen tärkeää nykytilanteemme ymmärtämisen kannalta >> Se paljastaa mm. sen, kuinka LaRouche -liikkeen tietomäärä ja strateginen ymmärrys maailmantilasta noina aikoina, nykyään ja kaukaa historiasta saakka sekä noista vanhoista havainnoistaan nykytilanteeseen johtaneena kriisisisältönä oli heillä jo esim. 80 -luvulta saakka erittäin johdonmukaisesti korkealaatuinen ja koherenttinen. 

Päälinjat mm. juuri fyysisen ekonomian tuhosta oligarkkisen ja imperialistisen rahataloustyrannian alla, viherfasismin käyttämisestä moisen oligarkkisen periaatteen malthusilaisena tukioperaationa sekä paljastukset mielenmanipuloidullisista ja moraalittomista poliittisista agendoista koko NWO -vyyhtiä edesauttavana rappioprosessina jne. ovat perinpohjin ja loogisen kokonaiskuvan mukaisesti tutkittuja. 

Geopolitiikan perusrakenne kansallisvaltiot vs. Brittiläinen imperiumi -juopana ja -vastakkainasetteluna on siinä erittäin tähdellisesti osoitettuna ko. aineiston myötä >> Nykytilanteessa kansallisvaltioiden ja siihen kuuluvien hyvinvointiperiaatteiden tuhoeskalaation tausta on siten kauhistuttavasti paljastettu!

Nykytilanne-eskalaatiossa juuri näistä aiheista olen minäkin viime aikoina paasannut taas paljon. Erittäin ajankohtaisesti ja profetiaalisesti olemmekin nähneet juuri esim. EU:n ja euron rappio- ja totalitarismiprosessissa näiden vanhojen LaRouche -tutkimustensa pohjalta tekemiensä varoitusten ja ennusteiden toteutuneen viimeisen 5 vuoden aikana hälyyttävästi eli erinomaisesti ja siten siis hyvin valitettavastikin.

Nimittäin, kun ko. ongelmien päämekanismeille ja pääkartelleille eliittihegemonioina ei ole tehty juuri ollenkaan niitä tarpeellisia yhteiskuntatoimenpiteitä, joita LaRouche -liike yhtenä tärkeimmistä vaihtoehto(media)vaikuttajista on nimenomaan vaatinut ja promotoinut jo useiden vuosikymmenien ajan tilanteen korjaamiseksi neofeodaalistavasta sivilisaation perikatovaarasta neorenessanssiseen humanismin ja edistyksen vapautus- ja toteutusrintamaksi!...

Lopuksi on tuo ensinmainittu historiallinen LaRouche -liikkeen tutkimusaineisto, mikä löytyy kokonaisuudessaan noiden ensin mainittujen Youtube -sivustojen piiristä. Niiden alle olen valikoinut sieltä keskeisimmin tätä nykyhetken ekonomista, yhteiskunnallista, sosiaalista ja (geo)poliittista tilaamme valottavaa aineistoa erityisesti esilleotettavaksi taustamateriaaliksi ja olen sommitellut ne jollakin tapaa pedagogisesti. 

Toki katveeseen jättämissänikin aineistoissa on paljon tärkeää ja mielenkiintoista asiaa, mutta tutustuttavaa on todella paljon jo näiden esilleottojenkin piirissä. Palaan varmasti joskus myöhemmin ottamaan esille toisiakin aineistoja...

Tämän aineiston laajuus on muuten joskus saanut jonkun toteamaan LaRouche -liikkeen olevan maailman johtava / paras yksityinen tiedusteluorganisaatio >>

LaRouchesupport - PHYSICAL ECONOMY ja Tietoja: The LaRouche Movement ArchiveMolemmista valikoima seminaareja, puheita, luentoja ja keskusteluja >>

>>> Lyndon LaRouche - The Power Of Labor --> "June 14, 1984 A companion video to Lyndon LaRouches economic textbook "So, You Wish To Learn All About Economics?", a physical economic answer to the monetarist mumbo-jumbo of Keynes, the Austrian kook mystics, the Chicago school fascists, and the British Empire propagandists Karl Marx and Adam Smith. What is the yardstick to measure the progress of mankind?".

>>> LaRouche's Program to Stop the Breakdown Crisis --> "LaRouche's Program to Stop the Breakdown Crisis by Dennis Small What are our options ?!!.... Follow this link to find out!: There Is LIfe After The euro! Program for an economic Miracle In southern europe, The Mediterranean region, And Africa".

>>> The Century Of Catastrophe --> Lyndon LaRouchen puhe heinäkuulta 1999.

>>> John Hoefle on Financial Derivatives 1993: Part 1 & Part 2 --> "Before we had the disgusting acquiescence of Congressional traitors like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd to the gambling lunatics of Wall St. and London, Rep. Gonzalez (TX) brought EIR editor John Hoefle in to testify on the danger of financial derivatives, back in 1993 when you had Orange County California, Auburn Maine and other institutional investors loosing huge amounts of money. LaRouche, from jail, responded with a programatic approach of a minor tax 0.01% on financial transactions that would have dried up the problem before it ballooned into the quadrillions monster squatting on the world today. In 1998, the global financial system was on the verge of total meltdown due to the collapse of Long Term Capital Management, due to the default of the Russian Government on GKO bonds which LTCM had bet on. LaRouche has always been right. Will you support him, or die for gambling debts?".

>>> Economy & Philosophy - Dennis Small part 1 --> "June 2nd 1995 Leesburg Virginia There is a slight tape error about 45 minutes into the video. Mr. LaRouche has asserted for a very long time that the fundamental distinction between man and animal is his ability to hypothesize that which cannot be known by the senses. Dennis Small's class is about the difference between an economy governed by increasing rates of technological and scientific development and the zero-growth death of the current monetarist system. Subjects covered are Plato's discussion of hypothesis and higher hypothesis, the Parmenides dialog as a tragedy, the trap of sense perception, the ancient paradox of squaring the circle and how Nicolas of Cusa solved it, De docta ignorantia (Latin: On learned ignorance/on scientific ignorance) and the proof of the existence of God, a discussion of Plato's Republic, Plato's metaphor of opinion versus knowledge, his famous cave, and what defines economic value. A translation of Cusa's work is at and Plato's Republic is widely available in any library or bookstore.".

>>> Economy & Philosophy - Dennis Small part 2 --> "June 9th, 1995 Leesburg Virginia. "Plato versus Aristotle" Dennis Small continues the discussion of Plato with an indepth look into the destructive mental hell of Aristotle and his negation of reason and intellect. More "modern" versions such as David Hume and Adam Smith are also included as well to give you a flavor of how the Oligarchy merely repackages shit in new clothes.".

>>> John Hoefle Real Economics vs. Virtual Reality --> "September 5 1999 ICLC Labor Day Conference economics panel. John Hoefle is Executive Intelligence Review's banking columnist and in this panel, he mocks the idiots who thought Alan Greenspan had created unlimited "wealth" with his bubble machine back during the heady days of the tech bubble.".

>>> The Disintegration of the Nation-State --> "Panel 5 of the Feb. 20, 2000 ICLC Schiller Institute conference. Speakers were Dennis Small on "saving the Nation-State is childs play", Linda de Hoyos on "what are our children and what are they doing?", John Hoefle on "prosperity for some, tragedy for all", & Jeff Steinberg on "the architects of the assault on the nation-state".".

>>> The Palmerston's Zoo (full lecture) --> "This report is adapted from presentations delivered to the Conference of the Schiller Institute/ICLC Conference in suburban Washington, DC., on President's Day weekend, 1994. See Solving the Paradox of Current World History" for the setting of the following articles. It was published as a special report by EIR, and is available in photocopy. Contact Schiller Institute at email or phone numbers listed below.

Links to the all the panel presentations are included below.

Solving the Paradox of Current World History - Nancy Spannaus, Panel Chair Introduction—Webster Tarpley The Venetian Takeover of England: A 200-Year Project—by Gerald Rose How The Venetian Virus Infected and Took Over England—H. Graham Lowry British Intelligence Subversion: Shelburne and Bentham—Jeffrey Steinberg America's 'Young America' movement: slaveholders and the B'nai B'rith—Anton Chaitkin Palmerston launches Young Turks to permanently control Middle East—Joseph Brewda Freud and the Frankfurt School—Michael Minnicino Jim Crow, a cultural weapon in the hands of the Confederacy—Dennis Speed. 

---> Schiller Institute/ICLC Conference "The Palmerston Zoo" ".

>>> "The Renaissance vs. the Enlightenment" Helga Zepp LaRouche --> "February 16, 1997, Presidents Day Conference of the ICLC Schiller Institute. Mrs. LaRouche goes through a detailed examination of who and what axioms governed both periods of history as a counter to the general historical lies that dominate badly written history books.".

>>> Nation-States vs. The New Dark Age --> "1999 ICLC Schiller Institute Conference. In order to stop the Impeachment of president Bill Clinton by the sex perverts in Congress and money grubbing genocidalist Al Gore, the LaRouche movement went on a mobilization to expose the dark age lunatics attempting to destroy the institution of the presidency and the idea of the Nation-State itself, as Prime Minister Tony Blair announced that year that the era of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia was now coming to an end and the ascendancy of the NEW BRITISH EMPIRE was at hand. Speaking was Paul Gallagher from prison on Shakespeare, Anton Chaitkin on the Southern Confederacy as a tool of British Terrorism, and Frederic Henderson on a detailed discussion of the circumstances around president Andrew Johnson and his impeachment.".

>>> The Axioms of the British Empire and American System --> "Alternate title "How Popular Opinion Is Destroying America" Labor Day 1996 Conference of the ICLC Schiller Institute in Tysons Corner Virginia. Starting from an article "How Hobbes' Mathematics Misshaped Modern History" by Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. January 19, 1996, using John Galt and Lord Reginald Marduke as the "chorus" (Alan Ogden & Bill Jones), former member Webster Tarpley, Phil Valenti, Graham Lowry, and Anton Chaitkin detail both the Venetian and British Oligarchical axioms of empiricism, sense perception and man as an animal versus the Platonic and Renaissance concept of Man as a creative being. Tarpley goes through the Venetian Empire and the central role of Paolo Sarpi in modernizing the Oligarchy in response to the threat from Cusa's launching of the Renaissance. Phil Valenti blows the John Locke myth to bits, discussing the role played by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz as the organizer of the American Revolution through his collaborators, John Winthrop, Cotton Mather, Jonathan Swift, and numerous scientists. Long forgotten pivotal leaders like James Logan of Pennsylvania and his anti-Locke/Newton writings. Later, Ben Franklin, a Mather and Logan protege launching the industrialization of England, and then the American Revolution on the Leibnizian principle of happiness. The late Graham Lowry discusses pre-revolution America as created by Ben Franklins youth movement, using material from his ground breaking book "How the Nation Was Won". Chaitkins speech was incomplete due to a bad tape and will be included once I locate a copy.".

>>> Bertrand Russell: The Golem of Venice --> "Following Lyndon LaRouche's publication of How Bertrand Russell Became An Evil Man on July 28, 1994, the Labor Day Conference of the ICLC/Schiller Institute featured a panel on Lord Russell and his collaborators, his destructive legacy, imperialistic policies, his disgusting views of mankind, the effort at launching nuclear war, his instructions in mass brainwashing, and central role in continuing the sabotage of science formerly led by agents of the Venetian Empire. The 2nd portion of the panel was presented by former ICLC member Webster Tarpley in detailing the role of Venetian Oligarchs like Paolo Sarpi, Giammaria Ortes, Pietro Pomponazzi, & Abbot Antonio Conti in creating the Venetian takeover of England and creating the British Empires policies of Malthusian genocide, Adam Smiths system of economic slavery, and the dead universe of that Gnostic lunatic Isaac Newton.

Mr. LaRouche's article can be read at: How Bertrand Russell Became An Evil Man.".

>>> Sean Stone - The American System vs. British Imperialism --> "A New Dark Age or A Renaissance?

by Sean Stone - Schiller Institute Conference - January 26th, 2013:

Sean Stone is a filmmaker, screenwriter, and actor, whose most recent production is the film "Greystone Park" (2012). He was an editor of "The Untold History of the United States" (2012), a documentary TV series directed by his father, Oliver Stone.

The issue of discussion today that [moderator] Dennis Speed posed is, "Is it a new dark age, or a new age of civilization; a new dark age or time for a renaissance?"

That, I think, has been the fundamental history of our planet, as long as humans have been here, as Lyndon LaRouche knows very well. And I've always been an admirer of his work, because of his understanding of a very long lineage. There's a lineage, as many of us know, of those humanist thinkers—in the Platonic tradition, let's say—that has always valued the place of man, somewhere between angel and animal, whose mission, God-given, is creativity; whose inherent nature is being created in the image of God. We are creative beings who have a power to uplift emotionally, spiritually, and physically, ourselves and our fellow man. And it's a generational process; that ideally we are progressing historically.

And in opposition to that impulse—which I think is innate—we have a select group that we might call elites, or oligarchs, or imperialists, who believe in the nature of empire—which is to say, slavery. No one really likes to consider what slavery means any more, because we feel like we've gone beyond it. And yet the nature of slavery is money; it's monetarism....".

>>> How Exactly Do Jews Fit In To The Big Picture --> "March 26, 1994 historian & author Anton Chaitkin speaking in Long Beach California. Starting from a shooting massacre in Hebron during a religious service, Chaitkin describes the various means by which the British Empire since the Venetian takeover in the 18th Century has used to control and brainwash people. In Southwest Asia, extremists of Muslim, & Jewish faiths have a British origin. Also, organized crime, its defenders in the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith and the subsequent creation of Hollywood & Las Vegas, newspaper cartels such as the Hollinger Corporation, Geopolitics, crackpot movements like Theosophy, Satanism, Astrology, the belief in the End Times & Revelation, the installation of Hitler as dictator through the bankers Montague Norman and Hjalmar Schacht and the brainwashing of Hitler through British cult movements like the Thule Society. A lengthy question and answer period is included.".

>>> LaRouche Answers A Question About Christianity and the Bible --> "During the question and answer period of the Labor day 1997 conference of the ICLC Schiller Institute, Lyndon LaRouche was asked about his article "Michael Novak, Calvinist?-- 'Not by marketplace alone!" which can be read at: Michael Novak, Calvinist?-- 'Not by marketplace alone!' ".

>>> Britains Invisible Empire: Religious Brainwashing - Anton Chaitkin --> "Can someone be a patriot, but behave in such a manner that ultimately destroys that which you say you're protecting? During president Clintons presidency, the spector of militias and radical anti-government movements came into the news following the massacre at Waco and Ruby Ridge and warnings of police state measures enacted. Anton Chaitkin presents the result of his investigation into the British Empires role in fostering such conflicts through agencies such as Pentecostalism, the Anglican Church, the military, intelligence agencies, and news agencies. The history of Pentecostalism and the practice of speaking in tongues is presented as part of the British Empires method of brainwashing subjects loyal to the Empire. This presentation is packed with a lot of details and a large number of people are mentioned, so it might be difficult to follow at times.".

>>> The Assault on the Presidency 1998 --> "Executive Intelligence Review Presents: The background to the attempted destabilization of the Clinton presidency by the British Oligarchy and certain lunatics in the United States, namely Richard Mellon Scaife and other assorted Neo-cons and religious fruitcakes. Lyndon LaRouche provides the preface, followed by Jeff Steinberg (EIR counter-intelligence editor) and Ed Spannaus (EIR law editor) on the history and details of the attacks on President Clinton, ending with LaRouche providing the economic and historical context.".

>>> The Death of Princess Diana - Was It Murder? --> "June 11, 1998 Here is the entire EIR Talks show with Jeff Steinberg and Tony Papert on the subject of the evidence of regicide against the late Princess Diana and the subsequent cover up by the Blair and Jospin governments with assistance by the rabid dogs of the news media.".

>>> Why Today's Urban Policy Is Genocide? --> "Eliminating Affordable Housing: Why Today's Urban Policy Is Genocide" held November 23, 1996. Speakers in order, were Dennis Speed northeast coordinator introducing the panel and the topic; Nancy Spannaus former New Federalist editor going through the national data on the housing situation; historian H. Graham Lowry on the history of the Boston Brahmins, the Vault, Harvard and MIT and their use of urban renewal as an attack on the country as an industrial powerhouse; Alphonse Mourad former owner of Mandela Developments of Roxbury MA and the details over the fight in Boston for affordable housing; Robert Wood, county commissioner of Coweta county GA; and state Senator (retired) Bill Owens from the 2nd district of Suffolk Massachussetts.".

>>> Genocide through Environmentalism - The Case Of Africa --> "On November 1st, 1994, Executive Intelligence Review magazine held a press conference to discuss the release of EIR's special report "The Coming Fall Of The House Of Windsor", co-editor Allan Douglas details the financial and corporate nature of the monarchy and its apparatus involved with mass genocide, raw material looting, assassinations, wars, and conflict on the African continent though game parks run by the World Wide Fund For Nature (formerly the World Wildlife Fund).".

>>> Genocide through Environmentalism - The Case of the Americas --> "On November 1st, 1994, Executive Intelligence Review magazine held a press conference to discuss the release of EIR's special report "The Coming Fall Of The House Of Windsor", co-editor Gretchen Small details the financial and corporate nature of the monarchy and its apparatus involved with mass genocide, raw material looting, terrorism, assassinations, wars, and conflict on the South, Central, and North American continents though game parks run by the World Wide Fund For Nature (formerly the World Wildlife Fund). Jeff Steinberg and Allan Douglas answer questions during the Q and A session. Go to for copies of the report.".

>>> The Unabomber: Prince Philips Green Terror part 1 ja The Unabomber: Prince Philips Green Terror part 2 --> "Webster Tarpley interviews Roger Maduro of 21st Science and Technology and Jeff Steinberg of Executive Intelligence Review on the subject of the Unabomber, radical environmentalism, and the Oligarchy that created and sponsors it.".

>>> The Coming Fall Of The House Of Windsor part 1 ja The Coming Fall Of The House Of Windsor part 2 --> "A November 1st 1994 press conference to announce the release of Executive Intelligence Review's special report "the coming fall of the house of Windsor". The introduction with historical background of the British Empire was given by former member Webster Tarpley, followed by EIR counter-intelligence editor Jeff Steinberg detailing the organizational structure of the modern Anglo/Dutch empire with Queen Elizabeth at the top. The rest of Steinbergs report will follow in part 2.".

>>> Lyndon LaRouche On Education 1996 --> "As part of the presidential race, Lyndon LaRouche as a candidate discussed in various locations what the goal of a nations education system should be and the content in order to create a citizenry worthy of the most important Republic in history.".

>>> The Problem With Populism part 1 ja The Problem With Populism part 2--> "A class given by Gerry Rose in February 21, 1993 on the historical roots of the disease of populism stretching from the cults of ancient Greece and historical figures like Aristotle, through the Roman Empire, Venice, and into the Netherlands and England.".

>>> Who Is Sparking Religious War In The Middle East? --> "February 13, 2001 Jeff Steinberg counter Intelligence editor of Executive Intelligence Review reviews some of the players in the push for conflict in Southwest Asia (Middle East is a term coined by the British Empire) which include British Oligarchs, Masons, Jewish and American religious fundamentalist crackpots like Jerry Falwell and Tim LaHay, & the late Ariel Sharon.".

>>> LaRouche webcast Jan 03, 2001 part 1 & LaRouche webcast Jan 03, 2001 part 2 --> "The first half hour of Lyndon LaRouche's international webcast January 3rd, 2001 entitled "Now The Incoming President" which included his famous warning of a Reichtag style "emergency" requiring a dictatorial police state.".

---> Jeff Steinberg Update Shortly After September 11

---> Lyndon LaRouche interviewed during September 11 2001 Osa 1, Osa 2 ja Osa 3.

>>> Physical Geometry as Strategy --> "March 21, 2003 Bad Schwalbach Germany. The first hour of Lyndon LaRouches keynote speech delivered the day after U.S. strikes against Iraq began. Mr. LaRouche condemns the war as the beginning of a world war. "If you don't stop it, there is no 'after the Iraq war,' because you will be going into another war, under an administration which is totally committed to a worldwide fascist imperialism. Therefore, we must stop it." ".

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